A week ago I started my first sourdough starter. Yesterday it seemed to become mutant and doubled 90 mins after a feeding, so on the advice of a couple of very knowledgeable and generous members, it was time to bake.
I had already decided on Susan's simple sourdough as my first recipe, and followed that as closely as I could, only altering times as best as I could judge from the progress of my dough.
Here is the result of the loaf fresh out of the oven:
and here is as close as I could get to a picture of the crumb with my phone:
To say I'm thrilled with the result is an understatement. It's been years since I've had sourdough bread, and time has faded that memory, and with the fact I don't know if it was a "good" sourdough or not, I don't really have anything to compare it to.
The texture is a nice crispy, somewhat thin crust that contrasts nicely with the chewiness of the inside. The flavour is somewhat tangy, with a sort of creaminess that I would expect from a good milk & egg sandwich loaf.
To me, a success, and I guess in the end, that is what is important.
Also helps that Da Warden was home when I took it out of the oven (she hasn't tasted it yet) after she laughing at me "You're gonna bake bread using that slop instead of yeast?"
What a mighty fine loaf. I really mean it. Just perfect in every way. Crust, crumb, oven spring, ear!
Bon Appetit.
Now you want to think of finding your starter a home in your fridge. Working out a maintenance schedule that fits your timetable according to how much you like to bake.
I wish my first loaf had been even half as good as yours. :)
Very well done!! It looks fantastic!!
That is really terrific loaf, congratulations!!! I would be so happy if my first loaf looked like yours!
Well done and happy baking Jamie!
Gorgeous, beautiful. I want some.
I still aspire to makes loaves like that ( a year after I started with sourdough) ......... well done!
well done, and many happy bakes to come:)
For your compliments and kind words.
Lechem, it already found a home in my bar fridge. Now I have some trial and error as to when to take it out to get ready for a new loaf.
Already found a home, nice!
Well everyone here and all who keep a sourdough starter will have their own method. It all depends on how much you bake, what schedule you like to keep and how you like to use it.
I keep only a little starter at a time. Under 150g. Each time I bake I'll take a little off to build a preferment. When it runs low (never less than 1 tablespoon) I'll take it out, feed it, allow it to bubble up by 1/4-1/2 then return it to the fridge. And so on...
But as I said before, everyone here will have their own way.
have to say this one was fabulous! Well done and happy baking
hi Jamie0F,
This looks absolutely beautiful and delicious! Congratulations to your success!
I myself just started my starter 3 days ago. I am excited to see some life in my Stella (that's my starter lol). Once it's ready to be used for baking, my first bread will be sourdough focaccia. And once I master it, I will start experimenting with a sourdough bread recipe.
Again, your first loaf looks fabulous! Thanks for sharing!