The baguettes are pretty straightforward, very traditional soudough sponge, but fermented in 2 stages prior to final dough in order to make leavening as robust as possible. The Austrian Crusty Rye (Bauernkrustenbrot) comes from my favorite Austrian bread book, Der Duft von frischem Brot (The Aroma of Fresh Bread), and represents a traditional Alpine mixed wheat/rye bread that relies on sour sponge for acidification and commercial yeast to lighten the crumb. Also, as is typical in Alpine ryes, this one uses a soaker of stale rye bread to further moisten the crumb. I'll be posting the recipe on my blog,, in the next few days.
Stan Ginsberg
Looks tasty Stan.
How did your crumb come out with the baguettes?
Look forward to your post on the rye.
Looks great, and a very nice photo.
I appreciate the compliment.
How did you get those little streaky lines on the Epi? Run your couche thru a shredder? :)
It's a secret technique that involves oven spring -- so secret I don't even know what it is :D