Switching from DO to baking stone


Hello! Amateur artisan baker who sells for farmers market.

Trying to increase my capacity and so purchased a customer stone from californiapizzastones.com (highly recommend) ...

The stone is on the lower rack of my convection oven and I have two DOs on the top rack. On the bottom rack is a steam pan. 

As my stone takes up most of the space I'm worried not enough steam is getting up there, although I am very pleased with how my loaves turned out, except I have to get in there and turn them so that there are no hot spots which is hard and lowers the temp of the oven.

Question is: are there any ways to add steam on the same level as the bread? Some trick or tip or thing you have used to put steam next to bread instead of beneath?

I have two slabs of granite in my oven, with a pan on the lowest shelf for steam. The stones are about an inch smaller all around than the oven and the steam seems to get to the loaves on both upper shelves without too much problem. Sometimes I also spray the loaves and the stones with a spray bottle just after I put the bread in the oven, which adds a bit of moisture directly to the bread.