Long fermented baguettes have no elasticity


I've now found this on DonD's Gosselin baguette with cold retardation as well as the Cook's illustrated "authentic" baguette, but i've found that after 24 hours in the fridge, after bulk proofing with stretch and folds, and being nicely elastic then, it loses almost all elasticity and becomes almost fully plastic.


I'm using KA AP flour, using Don's recipe at 70% hydration and CI's at 73% hydration.

During the forming there is no elasticity at all. It's happy to extend under it's own weight.


Anyone have any thoughts or ideas as to what might be happening? Clealy there is proteolysis going on, but am i the only one with "plastic" dough after 24 hours in fridge?




Hi Jason,

Are you using this formula for the baguettes?  That is what I used a few times before moving to levain breads about two years ago.  I followed the instructions as much as I could and the dough did stay retarded in my refrigerator for the full 24 hours.  I don't recall any lost elasticity problems.  But it has been a time.

Do you also use the rye flour called for as well as ice water?  After that I can't think of what may be causing the problem.