Miniature Sourdough Boule with Sculpey (Clay Polymer)


Just thought I'd share :)  

Made with sculpey.  Used a toothpick for rings, knife for scoring.  Baked and then based with a mix of Americana Honey Brown & Americana Cocoa.  Washed with Burnt Umber and then dry brushed with Americana Snow White.

Great little model... But just an interest point - I once worked in the building (converted) where they used to burn umber; Station yard, Ashburton, Devon. I'm sure there were many others though. It was in the middle of renovation when I was there, but there was still the large hearth and chimney where they used to make it.


Yeah definitely gonna have a large brick oven / chimney kinda thing :)

Would be very easy to craft with Hirst Arts fieldstone blocks, like I do my modular dungeon walls in the following photos:

Not yet, but when I do I'll share a photo of it :)  Thinking work table, shelving, a 28mm baker miniature working a ball of dough (easy just sculpey unpainted made into a ball heh).  Various loaves of bread in various states, including a couple balls of dough rising in a little banneton :)

Very nice job on that bread Wild Yeast :)  I'll try and copy that on a small scale :)  My boule is like 1/2 inch in diameter.

Thank you :)  Was really easy to make.. just rolled 3 strings and braided it.. cut each end (picking the section that looked best).  Then mashed the ends a bit and baked.  Dry brush with $1 craft paint: Americana Honey Brown.. then added a bit of burnt umber to that and dry brushed that on with a really dry brush.

Just printed out and painted a workbench for the bread oven:

Here's another photo of the Tavern this is all in.  It is in a fantasy setting.  Terrain used for both DnD and Frostgrave.  It's evolving day by day :)

Most of this stuff is 3D printed.. Curufin on has some really nice STL models that emulate wood well.  Scale is 28mm but bread is a bit big, but it's okay.. they just like making large loafs in this fantasy world.