I am an elderly novice baker and my goal is to bake the perfect loaf. After many good results and even more sad ones today I have a 'not sure'. The mix was extra strong flour, toasted wheat germ, a smat of butter and honey, salt water and fresh yeast. The dough was very active and proved well. The resulting loaf is not what I expected. It has a soft crust and the body soft and fluffy. What sort of loaf have I made?
white bread.
Think you are right. But, that is the recipe and procedure I always use. The only thing I did different was to prove it in the dishwasher whilst the drum was still warm and moist.
Well if that isn't called innovation then I don't know what is.
I just thought it might give my loaf a better 'finish'
I'm gonna proof mine on my mattress for a better "spring".
hehe do hope it doesn't sink in the middle.
in a sink. :)
Does a dishwasher have a drum? I thought that was clothes washing machines...
Oh my, I think my childhood dishwasher was a top loader.
I have had doughs go flat on a table.
You are right it doesn't but when in knead you must rise to the occasion.
And I've had doughs get tyred and exhausted whilst proving in the car...
OK, will go get me coat, the pun-o-meter's gone off the scale. ;-)
Thanks everyone. That was fun Must go before I make another bloomer.
I think that was spelt wrong ;-)
What a rye sense of humour we all have ;)
That was corny
Hmmmm, I could rise to this pun challenge... ;-)
(Just don't get me started on fishy ones, it's neither the thyme nor the plaice...)
I await with baited breath
I think I'll quit while I'm ahead. I don't want to be accused of trawling the bottom ;-)