The ultimate loaf


I am an elderly novice baker and my goal is to bake the perfect loaf.  After many good results and even more sad ones today I have a 'not sure'.  The mix was extra strong flour, toasted wheat germ, a smat of butter and honey, salt water and fresh yeast. The dough was very active and proved well. The resulting loaf is not what I expected. It has a soft crust and the body soft and fluffy.  What sort of loaf have I made?

Think you are right. But, that is the recipe and procedure I always use. The only thing I did different was to prove it in the dishwasher whilst the drum was still warm and moist.

"The only thing I did different was to prove it in the dishwasher whilst the drum was still warm and moist".


Well if that isn't called innovation then I don't know what is.

in a sink.  :)

Does a dishwasher have a drum?  I thought that was clothes washing machines...  

Oh my, I think my childhood dishwasher was a top loader.  

I have had doughs go flat on a table.   


In reply to by Reynard

What a rye sense of humour we all have ;)