FWSY levain storage



I must have had a brain fart moment earlier today - meant to mix up just enough FWSY levain to bake one recipe (2 breads), but instead ended up with enough for two (4 breads)...

Has anyone tried storing extra levain in the fridge for an extra day or two? Or am I now committed to either throwing out half of the mixed levain or baking 4 breads tomorrow morning?

Thank You!


Within the last couple of months I did the same thing. I basically supplemented the "spent fuel" as Forkish refers to it with more flour and water.  I wasn't  attempting to make a FWSY loaf - just use up the starter. Anyway once I added and mixed to a consistency I felt comfortable with, I carried on as normal. The result as I said at the time wasn't Blue Ribbon material but it was quite edible and no complaints were received.  Better yet the loaf was eaten completely. That tells the story.  

By the way I hemmed and hawed a full 24 hours easily before I went that route.