Fun Rainbow Sourdough Loaf


Just for fun,I used my sourdough potato bread recipe to make this for the kids.


Regular gel food coloring. And my eldest child freaked out in the bathroom the next day. I had to explain the multi-colors she saw...

or is this a surfer's bread: catching a wave navigating a tunnel.   

I can still see a very large shaping bubble in the crumb.  Clearly between purple and blue!  Kind of enjoy its poisonous appeal.  Got any surfer dude or duddet figures?  How about a leprechaun?  Hidden pots of gold?  

You may have to come up with some creative ways to butter.   Just spreading isn't enough, anymore.  I think I have a ghost buster playdoe press (extruder)  in the toy box.  How about some off white ghosts pads?  

My blueberry jam is jealous.