Questions about BBA Pannetone

Profile picture for user kensbread01
Today I'm going to do bake of my Peter Reinhart's Pannetone.  I have real baking forms, not the tin cans or something I constructed with parchment paper, scissors, and tape. (But don't get me wrong, I love it when people come up with creative ideas while baking or anything for that matter)...   I want it to turn out good... but I'm a little apprehensive about a few things.

I did not create the barm as suggested for the wild-yeast sponge.  Instead, I used 7 ounces of my wild-yeast starter (that I had been refreshing for the last few days) that I had created for Tartain bread.  I created the sponge yesterday in hopes of making the bread today.  I let it sit on the counter for at least 5 hours before storing in fridge overnight.  Initially it did not bubble or foam too much, and the smell is just a little bit yeasty.  Not overpowering, but somewhat ripe.  Also, it did not double in size, maybe it grew 10-15%.  I'm wondering if this is going to work.  I was expecting it to grow much more, after all the starter is pretty strong stuff.  So, that is my first question... should I try to get this to bubble or form more?  (maybe add some dry yeast and let warm proofing box).

Then, my next question concerns the rum infused dry fruits.  I bought some candied fruit and doused in rum.  I even added the vanilla extract, orange extract, and lemon extract... even added additional Tablespoon of each... duhhh,, not sure if that was a good ideal.  The stuff look ready to go but there is some liquid rum in the jar.  Should I just throw the whole thing in the mix or should I drain the rum and extracts?  If I throw it all in, of course I will add more flour to the final mix to get the dough right.  I learned my lesson from the Cinnamon-Walnut Raisin bread I did a few days ago.

that you should drink the unabsorbed rum as a pre mixing treat, I think this is a great idea for two reasons, firstly RUM! and secondly you mentioned adding extra alcohol heavy ingredients and I think that combined with a potentially immature chef you might want to consider holding back extra things that will retard fermentation, alcohol in this case.

I sipped some of the rum and threw the rest into the mix with the fruit.  I figured it would taste better but had no idea that it could also retard fermentation.  Too late now, I'm in the first hour of bulk rise.  I will keep you posted, but maybe i should have another sip before proceeding, just in case things don't turn out well. I could drown my disappointment, or just eat the Pannetone.  time will tell...