My bread today.


Now that the days start getting colder it is so inviting for a day of baking.

Today I baked some bread for the week. Just one loaf, as I am alone and should not be eating so much bread ( very difficult to keep away from it ). However today I wanted to try my new microwave convection oven baking something. I wanted to see if it was possible to bake using the convection option only. I know that some people use convection oven on a normal bases but I have not read about bread baking and the instruction manual does not say much.

Using my bread machine I mixed some dough, I never follow recipes however I do weight all the ingredients, and I have a felling about proportions. Seldom make a mistake.

I used a 7g pack of Allison's Easy Bake Yeast (it is a dry yeast sold here in UK), 600g of a mixture of malted granary flour and white very strong bread flour, 19g salt, 50g coconut oil, 10g of sugar and about 300g of water. I let the machine knead and prove the dough. Before the machine went to the next circle I removed the dough from it and shaped my bread, letting it rest for 45 minutes before baking. After that I slashed and baked at 230 degrees C  for 10 minutes and another 30 minutes on 200 degrees C.

The taste is good but it got a bit over proved so didn't get a nice oven spring as it should. Over all I am happy with this new oven. Next time will be my sourdough, but that is only for the next week.

The result  you can see on the picture above. 

I seem not to be able to upload more picture to the posting. I get a message saying something about the size, but I don't manage to read everything as the message just flash on  the screen.