Repeated deflating: boon or bust?

The typical bread cycle involves one or two rises, each followed by a deflation, then a final shaping and proof.

But sometimes my timing doesn't work out.  I've already let the bread rise twice maybe and I'm not ready to shape it; or I've shaped it into loaves and I'm not ready to put it into the oven.  I would then be inclined to just "punch" it down again for another rise.

So my question is about the pros and cons of repeated deflations and rises.  What's the downside of it?


Hi Roslie:

Pros are that you are redistributing available food for the yeast, but on the con side if you rise and push down too many times the yeast will consume all the available food and will not be able to generate any more CO2.  If you find yourself not ready too bake, and the dough has not overproofed, simply put it in the fridge till you are ready. Let it warm up for a bit and bake, or continue to proof.
