I have 2 starters started. One is 3.5 days old with small bubbles that I have been feeding with little result i.e. small bubbles. I have removed part of it and re fed it recently. The second is on day 2 with nice bubbles that I fed about 2 hours ago. What do I do with # 1 at this point and can I start to make a loaf of sourdough bread with # 2 at this point? I really appreciate your reply as I am feeling overwhelmed.
you see are probably from unwanted bacteria that will eventually lose out to the good strains and some fine yeast in a few more days. Usually on day 4 the thing looks dead with no activity as these bad bacteria are wiped out. By day 5 0r 6 things should start to pick up and the mix will start to smell weakly sour. Just keep doing what you are doing and in 10 days to two weeks you can test the SD starter on some bread dough and see how it does.
Great, but 10 days? my # 2 starter does have nice bubbles, I hope I damn make bread soon. Both starters do smell pretty wonderful.
I can only use my starter as a bench mark for you, but...it has been running for nearly a year and it doubles in volume within 4-6 hours (depends on room temperature) from being fed. (1:1 flour and water, I use and replace 2/3 of the starter by weight each day).
I will push on, and I certainly appreciate your help. It's nice to know you are all here to 'hold my hand'
Then we decided to take a 2 day holiday and I put them in the fridge. We came home this afternoon and I have put them out of the fridge. I will feed them in the a.m. There is no bad smell, and several bubbles although the surface is fairly flat.
Ok day 10 my starter (started by myself) is about 10 days old. It smells like alcohol and then yeast. Is it almost good or ready for the trash? I am feeding it daily it as bubbles (mostly small). help Please.
It is creamy with tiny bubbles. It hasn't grown at all. After I feed it it gets several bigger bubbles but not even as big as my little fingernail.
Well maybe it's the time of the year. My house nice about 78°, I am keeping it in the oven. I think I'll start a new one and put it in the garage. I think that is my problem. Fingers crossed.
The smell is yeasty. The lingering aroma is apple pie. I a whipped up a new starter and did sprinkle it with a tiny bit of salt. Definitely a yeasty smell there already this morning. :)
I followed the pineapple juice method and it took about 10 days to really see growth in my 2 starters. I think mine were on the liquid side and I did not see much happening. Once I reduced the liquid to make the starters thicker the air bubbles and growth were very evident. I also added a bit of whole grain rye in with the flour as it is less processed than the white flour I started with. Stick with it ;)
I love this site. After further reading I have decided I have been keeping my starter to thin. I do have good yeast smell though. i will remedy this situation. Perhaps I will have fresh bread for Labor Day. Fitting.