glazing problem


When I brush egg glaze on my rolls or loaves, just before baking, they usually collapse. What am I doing wrong?

Sometimes they regain their "lift" in the oven, but are never as springy as pre-glazing.

edit : if I put the bread in the oven without glazing, then took them out and glazed halfway, then returned to the oven, would this work?

From what you describe about the dough collapse, Pat, it sounds like over-proofing.  Time is variable with temperature (higher temperature = shorter time and vice versa) for proofing, so try cutting back on the final proof by 15 minutes and see what that does for you. 

No, you don't want to apply the egg wash to the hot rolls.  The egg will cook as soon as it hits the hot surface, leaving your rolls looking as though they were covered in scrambled eggs, not nice and shiny.


I'll try that next time. or perhaps not glaze at all!

I made some rolls this evening and tried the late-glaze method and it was a FLOP.

They came out like biscuits.

I've been making bread for over 30 years, and still learning.

Part of the problem is that we have a heatwave at the moment.


glazing twice, once after shaping to keep the skins soft and then later as a "touch up" before baking, the first glaze makes it easier to apply the second glaze ...and like Paul said, reduce your proofing time a little bit.  Sounds like over-proofing to me too.


Or a combination of an early egg glaze when the rolls first go on the tray and later a good spritz with a water spray which will  not require touching the dough pieces when they are that delicate almost do not touch stage.

If you find they have arrived at that stage then dont touch them just gently into the oven

regards Yozza


First thanks for all the advice, and I did try the the early glaze that Mini suggested, which helped  a bit.

But I don't think I gave enough info originally. The last few weeks I've been using a machine to mix and knead, which my husband kindly bought, feeling sorry for my old shoulders etc. Previously I went by the "feel" of the dough, not measuring ingredients, I lost this temporarily, and  the dough was far too wet.

I think I've now got a better idea of quantities, and the dough is stronger and firmer. Another batch on the go now, pre-glazed à la Mini.

Whether I continue to use the machine remains to be seen.