Hi All,
I'm on the hunt for a traditonal Polish dinner roll. I had these rolls when I was in Warsaw, Poland and can't seem to find a recipe or a name for the rolls to search by. The name for these rolls in Polish translate to rolls/bun, I've tried searching the Polish word with no luck. I did find a picture of some rolls that look like the ones I want.
They have a pale skin with a medium gloss, they are soft rolls with an air pocket in the middle, and are usually dipped in poppy seeds, sesame seeds, or left plain.
I'm sorry I don't have any other information regarding the rolls. Hopefully it's enough.
The poppy seed rolls on the bottom left are the ones.
Are you talking about bułki? Something like these? My wife just hit the Polish market here today and picked some up. I was actually hoping to taste them tonight and see if I could make something similar in the next couple of days.
I will search for you by using their google and switching languages, but need the correct name.
I just went to google.pl/ and used their google to find pics and recipes. I then translated them using google translator. They are called bulki as Floyd mentioned. If you have trouble doing this, at least see if the image is correct, as a lot of different pictures and recipes came up. I will then get you a recipe based on what closely matches to the picture. Just go to google.pl/ and type in bulki . Then once it comes up, look at the top of the page and click grafika. That would take you to different pictures and recipes. I then would copy a recipe and use google translate
Bułki is the correct word. I appreciate all of the help. I'll let all of you know if I find something.