My first attempt at baguettes did not quite meet expectations. Armed with a new linen couche, cool flipping board, beautiful French bread dough perfectly proofed, adequately shaped (after watching many a video) and loaded onto my peel with no harm to the loaves, what could go wrong? Had my oven at temperature, water ready to go into the cast iron skillet and loaves loaded on pizza stone. I had visions of perfection. Just one little, tiny thing. In my haste to get my beautiful loaves into the oven, I failed to pick up my lame' that was standing ready and I forgot to score my loaves!! Aahhhh..... I remembered after the steam/misting phase.
I quickly scored the loaves (way too little, too late), and crossed my fingers. Needless to say, they are not picture worthy. Hopefully, they will taste fine and still be enjoyed, just not visually. Bread making may seem straightforward but every stage matters and it can be a little overwhelming to put it all together.
I can't wait to try again and I know I will not forget the scoring.
Oh well, live and learn, if you're patient.
Just slash the next batch twice as many times, twice as deep or both so the bread gods can see you are trying to make it up to them :-) Then by bake 3, you should be back in prime form and due a fine looking baguette baked perfectly.
Happy Baking