ITJB Round 2 Week 9: Mini-schnecken (p. 218) 6/23/12 - 6/30/12


Oh, I am so behind in this challenge already. But there is nothing like sugar to motivate one who is motivated by, well, sugar (unless we're talking about my real motivations this summer, which seem to be reading and picking apricots from the local apricot farm....). But back to the sugar motivation -- I think these mini-schnecken are going to be an excellent way for me to use up the not-quite-enough-to-fill-a-jar bits of jam left over from this week's jam-making sessions. What are the rest of you planning on doing? 


Oh --- and errata alert, brought to us by the marvelous baking gramma Diane -- the filling is should read 1/4 cup butter, not 1 cup butter. 

Also -- I'm going to post the next couple of topics on the challenges forum soon, since my schedule is getting busier and I am getting more forgetful. This way, everyone can post as soon as the week starts, and won't have to wait for me to remember that hey, it's another week!

Thanks for your patience, all, and for your lovely photos and notes!


loved the mini-schnecken! They are GONE!!! Here are the pictures to prove we baked em.



Mine.... Join us for coffee and meet us here next week for Medium Enriched Dough.... I am making sandwich thins, thanks to JoeV and his "Restocking the Freezer" post... and his Italian bread idea!!! See you here