Brotform,Com is the one


This is a shameless bouquet to Brotform.Com.

There is a thread, often reprised, as to where to buy brotforms, and  two companies which seem to come up most of the time  are and the San Francisco Institute.  I went to the latter first and canceled the order when I learned the shipping charge would be $8 something plus $3 S&H. I did ask before ordering but the person I talked to was obviously busy answering the phone to look it up so I didn't insist she find out. When I learned what the charge was the order was stopped,  graciously and without a problem, and the two people I spoke to were really charming. So I'm not bashing the company, please. But the institute, in my ezxperience, is  not really set up for sales and you can't order from its site, at least I couldn"t.

My expersience with Brotform: Its S&H is a flat $3.99. I made a dumb mistake and ordered two of the same brotforms. The order was changed and shipped before I even sent back mine and there was no charge, and Nancy from sales is not only a model of customer service, but of my noodling which can be exasperating,  I know.

And what about the Brotforms? I am not a trained basketweaver, but I just don't see how they could be better made.