Croissants and New Toys


What follows is my attempt at passing on what I've learned from watching a Youtube in a language I do not speak.

Some new toys. Both the dough whisk and the silicone scraper are great. AP and WW, poolish, milk, sugar, butter, and salt.

Maybe 30 seconds of mixing with whisk & dough was starting to come together. Another half minute or so & scraped the dough out onto the board. Picture doesn't do the scraper justice. The bowl was a little wet when I added the flour. Kneaded the dough for a minute, but should have developed it a little more.

Bought some safety razor blades, too. Wow! Much sharper than anything else I've tried to cut dough with so far. My attempt at 'Pointage' allowed the dough to spread while resting.

While the dough rested, I worked on folding my parchment for the butter. Watch the video. He makes it look very, very easy, in the effortless way only someone who has done something many, many times can do.

Even executed somewhat poorly, the parchment still makes getting the butter to fit the dough much easier.

Butter is 6" x 12" and dough 12" square. Single fold. Tap with pin and roll out.

 Rolled out to 12" x 24" and trimmed to make square and expose layering. No 2, is a "book fold" and the seam must be offset.

If I'm counting right, should be at 4 layers of butter now. Before and after resting (and almost getting dropped on the floor when I realized I'd forgotten to set the timer on my pain levain that was in the oven!).

Here the dough is again rolled and trimmed to 12" x 24" for Fold C. Scraps are re-incorporated.

I messed up by pressing the scraps in too firmly before finishing the "tri-fold" and had to roll out the top a bit more to get everything looking right again. Some more tapping and time to rest. Not for me of course, but for the dough while I got some Struan in the oven. 12 layers of butter now. I had been trying to layer more than this and ending up with no layers at all.

Getting short on time and a little tired of snapping pics. Should have got pictures of the shaped croissants, but again watch the video. It is important to shape firmly and push out while rolling if you want the really pointy ends of a 'manly croissant' (what I pretend he's saying in the video since I don't speak French).

The better looking ones had been either sold and/or eaten by the time I snapped these pics. Should have proofed longer and at a lower temp. Running short on time, proofed at 80 ish for about 90 minutes.

Not perfect by any means (either the croissants or this blog) but I feel like I'm getting better.

Figuring out how to make something one second and selling it the next.   And surely you will get better and better at both as you go.   Congratulations on your first croissants.  -Varda


If that's your first time making them, you did really well! I want some right now with apple preserves. No! Marmalade! No! Bosenberry. No! All of the afore!

I'm not sure what to make of that video's technique of "cutting the edges" square and reincorporating the cuttings into the "turns". I can roll the rectangle evenly using the French rolling pin, so don't need to cut the dough to even it out; but, then, I've made thousands over the past 10 years.

If I were to take cuttings, I wouldn't reincorporate them into the turns. I'd cut the cuttings into 1" square pieces, roll each 1" piece into small balls, and then use the balls as center supports when forming the croissant (a Viennese technique, not Parisian or French), like Rose Levy Beranbaum recommends. 

Imagine a dough ball here instead of chocolate, and you'll get the idea: