tn gabe's blog

Do you have a backup starter?


For the second time in the last few weeks, I have accidentally discarded my starter and have no backup!

Baking only once a week has got me all out of whack. I keep the mother seperate from my batch starter, even when they are identical, theoretically to keep from pitching it. First, I lost my 100% hydration white. No biggy, wasn't using it for much.

Now I've gone and done it again, this time it was my faithful old rye. I'm pretty bummed about this one.

I'll just start over, might have to quit baking sourdough for a few weeks.

Croissants and New Toys


What follows is my attempt at passing on what I've learned from watching a Youtube in a language I do not speak.

Some new toys. Both the dough whisk and the silicone scraper are great. AP and WW, poolish, milk, sugar, butter, and salt.

SoF Sourdough


I don't usually call it anything other than sourdough, but when I'm trying to be clever I call it SoF (State of Franklin) Sourdough. 


95% BF, 5% Whole Rye, 72% Hydration. 1/3 total flour(including all of the Rye) in 100% hydration levain.



The crust is softer than I'd like, but I'm hoping a new oven will fix that. 

First blog post- 100% rye, Struan, SD, and them dang crescent rolls!


I'm thankful for bread, this website and all the bread nerds here. Hope everyone is having a great day. I've been wanting to share some pictures of my breads, but never seem to get around to taking pictures, but here are a few I've managed to snap. Instead of being in the middle of trying to throw together ten or twelve dishes like I usually am today, I'm lazily putting off making some quickbreads until the last minute and finally gettin my blog going here. My wife has started working nights and we're not having much of a Thanksgiving this year.