Just a quick question if anyone is reading. I am in the process of the 1, 2, 3 sourdough recipe. I've only made it a couple of times before. For the first time last night I did 1 1/2 to 2 hours stretch and fold, then retarded the bulk in the fridge overnight. I've taken it out, but my question is, do I allow it to come completely to room temperature before dividing and shaping? Or should I divide and shape now? The dough has risen in the fridge somewhat overnight. Thanks for any responses.
Ah well. I did my own research and found my answer. http://www.sourdoughhome.com/retarding.html This link had all my answers and my bread turned out pretty nice too! As for flavour, I could barely wait 30 minutes to cut into it to see the crumb and have a taste. It was cool, soft and not overly tangy at first, but the sourness sort of popped up at the end. That's the way I like it, so I'm calling it a success!
Nice crispy crusts.
Soft, open crumb.