Sourdough Biscuits


I began a rye and pineapple juice starter this week.  When Igot to day 5 and needed to split the starter, I just couldn't throw any away.  The culture has a fruity aroma and a good bit of rise action.  Not wanting pancakes, I decided to make sourdough biscuits.  The result was a two and a half inch rise from oven spring, a tosty crunch for the bottom with a tender crumb inside.  Appealing to the eye? Yes.  The aroma in the house, divine.  The real tell, of course, is in the taste. And the Mr. was pleased.  A hint of the sourdough with a bit of a nutty-ishness (from the rye in the build?), the biscuits were a hit.

Sour Dough Biscuits from www.sarah'

2  1/2  cups flour

1/3 cup lard (I used butter)

1/2  t  salt

2 t  baking powder

1/2  t baking soda

1 cup stqarter

1 cup milk

Directions:  I mixed the dry ingredients together and cut in the butter.

I added this to the starter and did a rough stir to start.  Then I added the milk.  I used a fold type stir action to incorprate the milk into the rest just until all was mixed.  I turned the sticky dough out onto the foured board for a light dusting of flour and a three fold action.  I repeated this as the dough was quite sticky.  I patted the dough to about an inch thickness and cut.  I placed biscuits in a greased pan, brushed the tops with butter and allowed them to rise for about 45 minutes.  I baked them for 25 minutes in a 350 oven.  

So, don't throw out that starter!  Bake a batch of biscuits instead!

The next bake with the starter will be No Knead Scilian Bread by Ed P.  Recipe and results are hared on

Bake Away,



That sounds like a great idea whosinthekitchen. Any chance you can post a picture of these?


Do you have a photo to share?  Thanks for the recipe!  Link is not working for me :/ 


I also learned "Sarah" has moved her blog to Heatland Renaissance and all recipes are archived and availble through the seach key.

Thanks, RobynNZ!


Sorry SylviaH, no photo.... biscuits were eaten up before the battery on thecamera charged.  There will be a next time however.

Try the link RobynNZ corrected.  It should get you to 'Sarah" and her other recipes.  I also like Breadtopia. I always start here at TFL, though.



I used my leftover starter for pizza dough today.  It's sitting on the counter after a fold waiting to be stretched out.

Very good advice from you.


So, next split off, I will use for pizza crust.  great idea, thanks.