Temp of a "done" loaf


I baked some oat-cinnamon-raisin bread today, and I felt like it browned really fast (I always think my bread gets brown so fast, and I worry that I'm going to burn it).  So following the advice on this forum, I took its temperature.  Sure enough, 185.  Done, right?  But, when I took it out of the pan, the bottom seemed a little damp.  Maybe the oil in the pan?  I let it cool, and cut it, and it tastes pretty good.  It's really soft. Even the crust, though brown, is soft (my hubby loves that, thinks I'm a genius) but I think maybe it needed to stay in the oven a few minutes more.  So, is 185 the magic number in all pan loaves?

Is that the recipe, ya think, or the baker?  

Thanks in advance.  Bu the way, I have this image of one guy out there in "Fresh Loaf" land answering all my newbie questions, thinking I need to shut up and bake.  sigh. 





I am no expert at all.  I use Peter Reinhart's WGB and his recommendation on most loaves is about 195° so that is what I aim for. Like most things in baking you will have to find the temp. that seems right for you and your family.  I know a friend likes her loaves to bake longer rather than shorter times....just tastes better to her....no magic formula.  A good clue for me is how quickly a loaf gets eaten around here.  

Most likely your loaf browned so fast due to a higher sugar and fat content in the loaf. If you do not want such a brown loaf, you could tent it with a piece of foil.

I do not believe there is one magic number for bread temps. If you can insert a thermometer into the center of the loaf and it comes out clean, then your bread is most likely done. Also, try 'thumping' on the bottom of the loaf, if it sounds hollow, it may be done.

At my first bakery job I learned that sandwich loaves were being pulled at around 165. That helped keep moisture in the bread for less crumbly loaves, and yes, a poke in the center came out clean.


Hi CSBaker,

Your first check for whether your bread is baked should be to look how long it has been in the oven.

If your dough piece was originally scaled at 900g, and the bake profile species 35 minutes [as an illustration only], then it will obviously not be baked in 20 minutes, whatever your probe thermometer reads when you check the core temperature.

It seems to me the most likely route of your problem is the temperature within your oven.   Ignore what it says on the outer dial, if you have one.   Buy a thermometer for use within the oven and pre-heat your oven until your internal thermomter stabilises at the temperature specified in the recipes you are using.   You can use ice, or boiling water as a means to verify that your thermometer is and remains accurate.

Best wishes


My understanding is that of a thoroughly baked bread is about 195-203 degrees F.

And I believe its 195 for a pan loaf and a little over 200 if its a baguette or non-pan type loaf.

My cinnamon raisin bread was AMAZING!  Yay!!!!  Thanks for all of your help with this.  I posted a couple of questions in the process, so I feel it was a group effort.  Lord, I love this website!!!!