Starters and going away for 2 days


I just started my starter on Friday afternoon and my little yeasties are well on their way (YAY)!!  Now I will be out of town from Friday thru Sunday, so I won't be able to feed them on Saturday.  Will this hurt them??  Or will it be okay if I miss 1 day?  

Sorry in advance if this has been answered, but in my endless search I was not able to find any information about this and I don't was to kill them.  Thanks!!!



If you only started the starter from scratch on Fri., I'd be concerned that what you actually have is a starter and not just the beginning stages of one. Since I'm not sure which Fri we're talking about, can you tell us how many days since this starter was born (that would be the first day you actually combined flour and water)? The reasoning here is, there are a lot of organisms that exist in a brand new starter that produce a tremendous amount of gas. It can sometimes fool you.

A starter that has not actually become a starter can definitely be left for 2 days, and in fact, with a newish starter, sometimes leaving it alone will help it. I'm not sure how refrigerating an immature starter would affect it.

If it is mature, smells like alcohol, at least doubles or triples within around 6 hrs, then feeding it and refrigerating it would work out just fine. Consensus around here is, let it rest maybe 30 mins to an hour after the feeding (depending on room temp) so that it gains a little activity, then put it in the refrigerator. You want it loosely covered (you don't want full air circulation, but it should be able to breathe/expand), and make sure it's in a big enough container to allow for some volume expansion.

- Keith


I just started it on Friday June 10th and after I fed it today it looks like it is going strong, I was worried about not feeding it for a day (saturday) while I am gone, I would hate to ruin it!!!  Thanks for your prompt response Keith and Ed!!!


Feed it before you leave.  Have enough head room in the container for the starter to quadruple in volume and cover it.  Feed it when you return.  If you used the pinapple juice technique, no worry.  If you just used water and flour, there may be a foul aroma, still no worry, just feed and stir.


Yes I started my starter with the pineapple juice method and I am very happywith the way it is developing:), so its nice to know I won't hurt it if I leave it for a day.  Thank you!!!!!


Starters are not so fragile, as long as you don't overheat them.  Do not let them get above about 90°F.  I have heard that some people have frozen them, but I have not.  I have left my starter unattended in the refrigerator for a month and then revived it to a robust activity with two feedings in the space of two days.
