I am an absolute newbie to making starter. I just got the new Tartine book and have been following their instructions. After the initial 3 day period I got the exact foamy results as in their pictures -yeay, on the right track! Every 24 hours since, I've been discarding about 2/3 and feeding back 2/3 (50/50 organic whole wheat and organic rye plus equal amount of room temp. spring water) The problem is nothing seems to be happening. It just looks and smells like flour and water. There is just the faintest aroma --not sure if it's acidic or sour or what, it's very faint. There are a few bubbles. No hooche. And there has been absolutely no rising after feeding! It just sits there flat. It's October in the SF Bay Area and my kitchen is cool --about 65-68 degrees so today I'm experimenting with keeping it a little warmer on top of the stove with the oven at the lowest setting to see if that gets it going. I've been combing the forums for someone with a similar problem but everyone seems to have the opposite problems and the more I learn the more confusing it gets.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hang in there and keep going. Make sure you stir some air into it once in a while.
Yeast is a lot less active in cooler temps.Try finding a warmer spot.The top of the refrigerator is actually about the perfect temp since the heat from the coils rises. ANother place is in the microwave after heating a cup of water to boiling. Keep the starter in there with the nuked water but DON"T forget to take it out if you nuke it again! Or in the oven with the door slightly open so the light is on. Or under a desk lamp. Even a regular bulb will throw a fair amount of heat.
In the oven with the light on, YES!! I got a nice rise finally and it's all bubbly underneath. Oddly though there is still no sour or acidic smell... still smells like fresh batter ...?
Thanks for the great suggestions.