Modified KAF Sourdough Bake Temp Question


I modified the KAF sourdough recipe as follows:


224g starter

336g water

495g KA APF

100g KA Rye

14g sugar

14 g salt


I didn't follow their procedure.  I mixed starter and water then added sugar then flours and let autolyse for 30 minutes.  Kneaded it for 5 mins until medium gluten and put it in oiled bowl.  I will fold in about 45 minutes then stick in fridge overnight.

Tomorrow I'll have my wife take it out of refer at about 5:00.  I'll fold again around 6:15, shape around 7:00, then bake around 9:00.

They have a baking temp of 425 for 25-30 minutes for 2 loaves.  I am going to make 1 loaf.


1.  The baking temp and duration seem low.  Typically I base at 450 or 475.  Will only difference be in crust?

2.  Is my second fold a waste of time...should I just shape, proof and bake?  I need to refine my mid-week baking schedule.  Not much time in am and only a few hours between work and bed.


Here is the link to the original recipe.


I took it out of the fridge this morning and gave it a french fold around 7:00.  Plan to take it out around 5, shape around 6 and bake around 8:30.


Dense with a few giant holes...I think I went too easy on it while shaping and didn't let it rise long enough.  Used some for grilled cheddar cheeses and the rest is in the oven becoming croutons.