SD Baguette w/baking stone


I'm wondering if I can improve my loaves even more by using a baking stone with the SD baguettes I bake.  Will it give me more height?  Does a baking stone preclude the use of the new "W" shaped perforated baking pan I just obtained? (see the end of the "seeking SD loaf height" thread for a photo) Must I add steam when using a baking stone for this type of bread?  Does a baking stone require longer pre-heating than an empty oven? And lastly, if I should use a baking stone, would it be best to put it in the oven with the convection feature (which I have been using), or the one that does only the standard baking?

Ever-Inquisitive EvaGal

I am no expert here but have baked my fair share of sourdoughs. I have a 1 inch thick ceramic tile in my gas oven which i preheat to 200'C and turn the oven off. The heat of the stone will rise up to 230-240'C. I usually rinse my baking stone with running water after every use so some of that water draws into the stone and releases steam when heated, thus eliminating the need for steam injection. Steam helps to keep the dough soft to allow it to rise more. The baking stone will also give you a thicker, crispier crust along with the use of steam, as well a a nice golden brown loaf.

I have one of those perforated baguette pans and have only used them once.  I have used a stone in my convection oven before and I personally don't like baking bread in my convection oven(it raises the temperature about 20'C higher than the oven setting and the bread goes darker quickly)

I suggest you place the stone in the oven and regulate the temperature with an external thermometer.  Bake the bread firstly without steam and see how it comes out. The next time try it with steam(start of with a little steam and increase it every time until you achieve the desired result) and see how that goes. But a baking stone is almost a must!

I have found that a good combination of oven temperature, a thick baking stone and moisture in the oven results in a good colored, crispy and well risen loaf.

Hope that helps.

I just pulled some sd baguettes out of the oven.  Great oven spring. Crackled crust.  I use steam the first 12 minutes.  After baking I let sit in turned off oven for 7 -10 minutes (which drys out the crust and adds to the crackle).