Last week's bread baking contest in SF

Profile picture for user Matt H

Found out about this too late: Yeast Affliction! All-Out Artisan Bread Bakedown & Craft Beer Tastiness took place last weekend. Any Fresh Loafers involved? Worth looking at some of the photos and checking out the team names...

People's Choice: Team #11 / Fire in the Fornix! / The Hurricane

People's Choice Honorable Mention: Team #14 / Dark Horse Breads / Pear Walnut Bread

Photog's Choice: Team #9 / The Fancy Boyz / Pain a l'Ancienne

1st Place: Team #19 / Jen Rosa / Rosemary Sourdough Bread

2nd Place: Team #20 / Rocket Baby / Cherry Poppin' Walnut

3rd Place: Team #16 / Bread for Gold / Sour River Loaf