suflower millet bread


A BIG thanks to Pamela for posting this recipe previously!  I made this yesterday, and it was really good with dinner last night.  The recipe can be found here:

If you like wholesome goodness, with 100% whole wheat (I used white) , and added nuts and seeds, this is for you!  It has a nice crunch to it, and my sister even asked it I had started chirping yet!  Anyway, just want to give this nice recipe a little shout out!  The dough did require some additional flour, than what was listed, but it was very nice to work with.

Highly suggest this one.

Glad you liked it, photojess. Your loaf looks just like the bread I used to make oh so long ago. I'll have to try it again now.


seriously.....I wouldn't have a bunch of nice breads that I have now, if I hadn't found this site.  Thanks again for sharing, and hopefully, you will make it once again.

Even my 22 yo DD had two pieces this afternoon, with PB on it.  She liked it too....and she is a carb queen.

Great looking bread! I am wondering if the millet is still crunchy? When I use it in a multigrain, I soak it overnight to soften it up. Looks great and a great image.


this recipe called for a soaking of about a half hour only.  It is a little crunchy, but not terribly.

We love seeded bread and love a bit of crunch!



I see more toast and jam. Dave