Conversion to rolls


Is there a standard formula for converting a recipe into rolls?

I'd like to make the Hamelman cheese bread again, but because it is such a strongly flavored bread, I think rolls may be a good application.  Easier to share with more people.

Is there a standard weight for rolls?  If the bake time for two 1.5# loaves is 45 minutes at 460F, how do you calculate the bake time for X number of rolls of X weight?    

Through Hamelman and DiMuzio, I know that the bake time is shorter and the oven temp higher, but that's pretty vague.

Obviously, I've not baked rolls before and am in need of enlightenment!


I think it's usually 2 oz. for rolls, and I'd bake them at maybe 400F. for about 20 minutes before testing them.

I recently made 18  pounds of PR's Italian with biga as rolls. My sister was having a graduation party and asked that they not be "Hard Rolls" as they were expecting small children who probably would prefer softer buns for the Italian beef being served.

I scaled 4 Oz oval shapes that made a mini Hoagie. The milk and oil in the mix helped to make a soft crumb and I was careful not to brown them as much as I would of normally done. The bake time for my oven was 18 minutes at 400F.

I have found that the recommended baking time is the least accurate item in every recipe I have tried. I went out of my way to make sure my oven temperature was on or that I know how much to adjust it so the temp is where I need it and still, the times are frequently way off. LindyD, your reference of 460F for 45 minutes is a good example. I use 450-460 at 25-30 minutes for most lean doughs. I think baking rack placement has a lot to do with the end results.


I've been called a lot of names in my career . . . .

LOL, I figured I might be on a slippery slope using "vague" in relation to your tome, Dan.  Let's just say I was referring to one tiny section.  ;-)

Maybe I'll experiment with a different recipe first, since the Parmigiano-Reggiano is about $20 a pound and I'd hate to wind up with overbaked, dry rolls.  Or maybe a cheaper cheese would be a good idea.

Eric, turning out 18 pounds of rolls is really impressive.  How do you manage to avoid overproofing while a batch is baking?  That's presuming you don't have a deck oven in your kitchen. What about internal temperature?  The same as a loaf of bread?



One of the things I had to do when I bought a DLX mixer that holds 9 Lbs of dough, is figure out how to schedule proofing so I didn't end up with more dough proofed than I can bake. As Dan says in his reply I keep things in the cooler until they are ready to enter the warm up and proof pipeline. When it is just two sessions, I delay the second batch by 30 minutes. I don't think it is as critical with retarded dough since the activity is slowed way down. When I plan to mix and bake two sessions one right after the other, I chill the second batch after shaping for 30-40 minutes. I think a little cooling for 30 minutes slows down the second batch just enough to not over proof it. After all, I would far rather wait a few minutes for the dough than curse myself after it deflated.

Also as Dan mentioned, I pay careful attention to the first batch and make note of the time. I don't bother to measure the internal temp on rolls since they are small enough to easily bake through to the 200-205F degree.

One other thing I do when I am in production mode is I never bake on a stone. The truth about heat loss from the stone is that you loose so much heat from having cold dough on it that it takes 20+ minutes to come back to temperature in my oven. I remove the stone and bake on 1/2 sheet pans with parchment. You couldn't tell the difference. I can unload and load a sheet pan quickly without any fooling around trying to pretend I have a hearth oven. (was that sarcastic?)


I was just messing around a while back and made these rolls out of my baguette recipe.

They were turned out very good..I didn't measure their weight just judged the dough ball into about a 3oz or close.

And If you check it out you will get to see dmsnyder...David's cute little Grandaughter's!


David's granddaughters - but the rolls look pretty good too!  

Thanks, Sylvia, for the link.



It's pretty clear that you gave a lot of thought and planning to the technicalities of production baking in your home kitchen, Eric.    Lots of mental mise in place.

I think it's one thing to bake two, three, or four loaves and get pretty good results.  It's a different ballgame when the production rate increases substantially and I really  appreciate the education you and Dan have given.  Good info like this doesn't seem to get included in the literature - at least it's not in the books I have.

It makes pefect sense to move out the baking stone.  I think you'd lose lots less oven heat since the unloading/loading can be done faster than fooling around with a peel.

Such details are invaluable and I've printed out these great comments because I know they'll come in handy.   The only thing I've added is a note to turn on the answering machine. 

Thanks very much, Dan and Eric.

P.S. to Dan - use ICE on those burns!
