Looking for a great suggestion for camping trip

Hi Everybody - I am sending my brother, his wife and 2 teenage boys, my husband and 2 older children off canoeing the next couple of days.  I am hoping somebody can inspire me with a nice sourdough loaf to send them off with - something like the columbian sourdough, which is loaded with whole grains.  I have never tried this recipe - i am very good at the BBA sourdough with 10% whole wheat - but I was looking for something that will hold up well, and stick to their ribs.


They will not be baking the bread - I just want to send them with the bread premade.


Thank you - You all are awesome - I LOVE this site!!



Hi, Anna.

"Hold up well, and stick to there ribs." Hmmm ... I assume it's okay if it tastes great, also.

You want to bake Hamelman's 5-Grain Levain. (I'm assuming you have "Bread.") If you have time before your crew leaves, definitely do the optional overnight cold retardation.

This bread has the most fantastic flavor. It is full of healthy stuff. It keeps fresh for a week, if wrapped reasonably well. It is good plain, buttered, with cheese, as a sandwich bread, as toast. Hmmmm ... I've never made croutons from it, but I bet they would be marvelous.




I will choose Hamelman - I just got his book and this will give me a perfect opportunity to try it.  Thank you...