Cinammon, raisin, oatmeal bread


I baked the cinammon, raisin, oatmeal bread recipe that is listed over on the left side yesterday. It was a long process to do it "exactly as directed" but wow was it worth it. I'm having a camera issue right now so can't post a photo, actually battery recharger. My husband its a lover of cinammon raisin bread with apple butter on it, so he was anxiously waiting the results. I don't know why it always says to let the bread cool before slicing. We are always nibbling away at it before time. LOL Yesterday afternoon we had warm cinammon bread and butter, this morning it was toasted with butter and apple butter. Perfect!!! Thanks for the recipe. Oh and half of it went it the freezer because it is a huge recipe. I baked it in 2 -12 in. loaf pans instead of 3 regular size.  Someday I'll have to go back to work and we sure will miss the warm bread with our afternoon coffee.

It makes it all worthwhile when our family enjoys our efforts!  Great job on the bread and on the time you're taking with your husband; you'll never regret it. :)