My fiance is trying to reduce his sodium intake (he was averaging 4k mg per day). How much can I reduce the salt in a recipe without problems. Does anyone have a low salt bread recipe?
When you want to reduce your sodium intake, it is a good thing to take time to re-educate your palate to enjoy the lower salt level. It's not difficult but takes persistence. He will know he did this when food with regualr salt levels feel unpleasantly, burning on his lips.
Start by reducing the salt in bread by half-learn to enjoy it and then reduce again, if you want. Bread can be baked without salt but it will taste very pasty.
Simply removing the salt shaker from the table provides a HUGE reduction in sodium intake.
If he must salt his food, put a few grains of salt on each forkful, right at the tip so it immediately hits his palate. This will not help in re-educating his taste for lower salt but can be used when there is a craving.
When you want to reduce your sodium intake, it is a good thing to take time to re-educate your palate to enjoy the lower salt level. It's not difficult but takes persistence. He will know he did this when food with regualr salt levels feel unpleasantly, burning on his lips.
Start by reducing the salt in bread by half-learn to enjoy it and then reduce again, if you want. Bread can be baked without salt but it will taste very pasty.
Simply removing the salt shaker from the table provides a HUGE reduction in sodium intake.
If he must salt his food, put a few grains of salt on each forkful, right at the tip so it immediately hits his palate. This will not help in re-educating his taste for lower salt but can be used when there is a craving.
Have you ever try it? You can find a recipe for it in The Bread Baker's Apprentice, on the internet (like on wildyeastblog).