"no-knead" bread with leftover starter


Due to a miscalculation, I ended up with 300g of leftover starter this afternoon. I decided to play around with this a bit, and used PR's Pain a 'lancienne technique to make the starter into a high-hydration dough. It worked so well that I thought I would share it with the group.

300g ripe starter (100% hydration)

75-90g bread flour

9.6g salt

Mix ingredients thoroughly with a spoon for a few minutes until gluten strands develop. I started with 75 grams, and added a few handfuls of flour until the dough was stiff enough to no longer be considered a batter. Cover and proof for 1 hour.

Prepare the counter with a thick layer of flour, about 8"x8". Turn out the proofed dough onto the flour. Flop the dough over to coat the other side, and fold in thirds like a business letter. Transfer to parchment paper, seam side up.

Set your oven to 450 and let the dough proof on the counter while oven comes up to temp. Bake on a bread stone or baking sheet for... well, I can't remember how long, but you'll figure it out. 20 minutes or so, I guess.

The resulting dough closely resembles the chewy texture and buttery taste of "no-knead" bread.

This is nothing to write home about, but it was kind of a fun, quick way to use up 300g of extra starter. 


Thanks for sharing - I'm always looking for ways to not waste starter and 300g is a lot!