I am finding that every so often I try to reply to a post and am unable to do so. Hitting 'save' does seem to be working, but when the page reloads my post is nowhere to be seen. However, I find the thread appears on my 'subscribed' list as if I had had my reply accepted!
Does anyone else have this sort of issue from time to time, and if so, is there a workaround please?
I've not seen that issue, but I changed a setting on your user status so see if that clears things up for you. I did see you'd posted one reply this afternoon that showed up like 3 or 4 times and I deleted the extra copies for you - if the problem persists my guess would be perhaps your browser cache was storing the old page info and needed to be cleared? (I'd ask Floyd on the technical stuff but he's been tied up with work this week.)
Hi dstroy and thanks for your help. I just tried to post again on the same thread where my post didn't show up before, and again it won't appear. It's the 'Selling My Bread From Home' thread.
Maybe that helps diagnostically?
ok that was weird. That's the same thread where I was deleting all the duplicates, and your new posts are there too but they were showing up as "not published" so I went and manually changed them. (and deleted a couple new duplicates) But only on that thread right? Since you're not having that issue here, and other people's posts are showing up... Not sure why it got set to not publish, as far as I can tell there werent any spam-triggers in the message, and Im not sure how the unplublish option comes up, unless you are hitting preview instead of save in those comment threads where the problem occurs...
You've certainly fixed the problem on that thread. I definitely only hit 'save', and not 'preview' (except on one occasion, when I tried 'preview' to see what would come up on-screen after repeatedly not having that same post published - and nothing appeared then, either).
I have activated the spam filter on occasions in the past, so I know what happens when that is triggered - it didn't happen with my attempts to post on the thread that is the subject of our discussion. Weird. Anyway, appreciate your support and actions.