Hello from Vancouver Island

Profile picture for user Franko

Hi folks,

Ran acrosss this site today for the first time and was so impressed with the content and layout I decided to join up. For those of you who have never heard of Vancouver Island (VI from here on) it's a large island off the west coast of British Columbia Canada. I've been a professional baker for twenty four years , the bulk of that time working for a large retail grocery store chain. I'm hoping to retire sometime in the next six years or so and have thought I might do some artisan baking for some of the local farmer's markets just to keep my hand in. This looks like an excellent site for picking up new ideas and info towards that end. I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and techniques and helping out where I can.


VI is known around here in Southern California for being lush and green - beautiful.

I look forward to seeing what you have to say, as you have so much experience.

Welcome to TFL!



Hi Marni and thanks for the welcome to TFL.

It's certainly lush and green on the Island,unfortunatley we have to live through weeks upon weeks of rain to be that way.

Hopefully I'll be able to make some usefull contributions to the various forums based on my experience in the trade. The subject of baking is vast and has many special branches that my experience in high volume retail baking doesn't include but I'm happy to share what I know.

All the best,



This is a great site.  You'll enjoy it. 

From Vancouver, BC


Profile picture for user Franchiello

Welcome to you.  I love Vancouver Island, I was able to visit many moons ago and had a lovely time.  I'd love to go back one of these days.

hi there, im from calgary alberta, wow you got a very big championship experience under your belt, I hope to keep in touch with you. I'm a newbie in bread making but this site helps me a lot to improve.