I'm fairly new to this site and have enjoyed gleaning information from the daily postings. I also like to "google around" and have just discovered that The Fresh Loaf has compiled a wonderful handbook! For others who are newbies (or not), take a look at the following: http://www.thefreshloaf.com/handbook
I have bookmarked this page on my computer and there's also the option to print a hard copy. True in general to the The Fresh Loaf site, you will not be disappointed.
There's a link in the top navigation bar too. :)
see across the top where it has:
Home/Forum/Lessons/Handbook/Videos/Book Reviews/FAQs/Baker Blogs/The Bread Feed/Store/Tools/LinksWell duh ...... I'm so busy searching, I never even saw it.
Thank you -
... it's excellent!
Bang goes the rest of my day :-)