Looking for a New Job/ switch to Bakeries. tired of garbage boss


I'm currently looking for a new job at a bakery,

I currently work in a upscale salumeria as their cook. old/current boss gets mad and slams things even near my workstation when I'm working. If I don't get it right he yells, throws things.

last friday he said I was suppose to pick up pasta and meat for the store, I didn't know he wanted me to do it because he never told me, he threw the phone at the dishwasher's sink and he missed the woman's head by a few inches, then he said he didn't care to go there and get the stuff. I left going then he calls me that the delivery guy is going to be around his area at a certain time and still wanted me to chase the delivery truck down. I just went home after that and pretended I didn't hear the phone ringing.(the place is 40 minutes from where I work) this isn't the only incident. if you don't put in the right amount of peppers in a dish he berates you two other employees got fed up and left.

this morning I came in and he didn't say anything. I started to do my job and he threw a mixing bowl in the sink, I tried to ignore it but I went on to do something else and he said he would handle it and slammed the hotel pan to the wall (It was 2ft away from him).I just took off my apron and got my keys and left. the rest of the staff just leaves at 4 on the dot in the hurry, I always wondered why when I started but now I know, they have rent and bills to pay and just can't leave after that. 

The customers don't know how he treats the staff, they all think he otherwise but one of the employees who left lives in the same town and I started getting asked "How am I treated, etc."

I already asked the bakery owner who I knew since I was 17 I wanted to start to learn pastry arts. it was during the holidays so obviously he was busy but said after the holidays he'll find somewhere to put me. he's on vacation and the bakery is closed so I'll have to wait til he gets back. I could ask a family friend who has a successful restaurant if he could help me out until I get a steady/better job.


Sounds like you're making the right move. Nobody needs that kind of treatment. Good luck with your search.


An abusive boss makes for bad working conditions.  The guy sounds like an immature, ignorant bully.  Little wonder there's a high turnover.

Best wishes in finding a new niche.  

I worked one place where the boss prided himself on the way he treated the employees.  I stayed for a while since I did not have to deal with him but the first time he treated me like that, I picked up myself, told him he was a jerk and I was gone, and I left.  Got a better job in 3 days and never looked back.   Years later I was told he specifically asked for me to work for him and told the recruiter that there was no way I wouldd ever work for that maniac again, ever.  Life is too short to put up with that krep.