Hand Crank stone mill at the ARC

Profile picture for user mredwood

Just in the ARC store on 82nd in Portland and saw a nice bright red hand crank stone mill. Price 15.00. This is at 4:30 pm Tue. Third shef from the front of the store.

Profile picture for user Floydm

Arc store on 82nd?  Arc as in Savation Army Arc?  I'm not sure what and where you are talking about, but it sounds interesting.

One or one and a half block North of Foster. Next to the Standard Appliance store. Across from Freddys discount store. Looked like a nice mill. I have one don't need another.


Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Association for Retarded Citizens. ARC is a national organization - an advocacy group, and they also raise funds to support programs for cognitively challenged youth and adults.


Profile picture for user Floydm

That sounds like where Value Village is (or used to be). 

Thanks. I may try to check it out tomorrow.


Yes it is the value village. No the grain mill does not look like one in the post. The one in the post is pretty nifty this one is rather plain. Thanks David for the explanation  of the abbreviation. Been using the short form for so long I just plain forgot what it stood for.

I sure noticed a major jump in prices, beyond what even Goodwill asks. My favorite thrift store is the Desseret, owned by the Mormans. They too raised prices but not nearly like the Goodwill. Pyrex, Corning & Cast iron are all only a dollar or two or three. Found my pampered chef stuff for a buck or two and my clouche for two. Perfectly new & undamaged bakers, pans & stones. Of course to make it a bargain one must live close. I would be interested if any of the Portlanders know of any other really good  bargain stores.