Pain d'Epi for the Holidays

Profile picture for user JoeV

With two invitations to house parties this Holiday season, I decide to bring a decorative and edible contribution to the events. I made Pain d'Epi loaves in two sizes. The first were meant to be used as dinner rolls on New Year's Day when torn from the stalk, and were made using 34 oz. of flour to make 4 stalks. The second were meant for an appetizer party, and 4 loaves were made from just 17 oz. of flour. Both were a big hit, and no bread was left in either basket.


These were the full size laoves

These were the half size or "mini" Epi's

I also made Lavash crackers from Reinhart's BBA. These were made with 2 oz each of rye, white and stone ground whole wheat flour to make the dough. They were a hit with a sun-dried tomato and basil dip.

Lovely Epis and Lavash!



WOW! Looking Good!

A very nice contribution to the party's I'm sure. I've been wanting to make the Lavash for a while, thanks for the nudge.


Just a tip for the lavash. When you start to roll it out you will get to a point where the dough no longer wants to stretch. At that point lift the dough from the worksurface and flip it over and start rolling again. It's amazing how much additional stretch you can get each time you lift and flip.

I put my dough on parchment in a 2/3 size sheet pan dusted with corn meal, misted the dough with a spray bottle of water, sprinkled my toppings, then cut strips 1-1/2" wide and crosscut at 45 degrees about 4" apart using a pizza wheel to get the shape you see in the basket (you can make them any size or shap you choose). Bake at 350 F for about 10 minutes, making sure they do not burn on the edges (it happened to me and I threw away about 25%). You just want them to slightly brown on the bottom. Let them cool in the pan when done, and they will break apart easily. A savory dip goes well with lavash crackers. I covered mine with sesame sseds, caraway seeds, celery seeds, smokey paprika, sea salt and fresh ground black peper. Use whatever pleases YOUR palette.

Here's what it looked like going in the oven. Sorry for the fuzzy pic. I was rushiung to get done.

It's great when the're no left-overs!  I especially like the mini epis.  Happy New Year!

Very nice party favors!  Lovely, baking!
