I did some changes to the front page this evening. If things look wonky, be sure to do a refresh so that your browser picks up the stylesheet changes.
One big change is that "Latest Forum Topics" now lists the latest created topics, not the topics with the latest comments on them. The "Latest Comments" box gives you the latest comments and also has the thread they are on listed. Both include a "More" jump at the end that allow you to go see the 100 more recent comments or threads posted.
I think the new layout is cleaner and easier to read. I've checked it in Firefox, Safari, and IE 6, and it looks OK in all of them.
If you have serious display issues, I repeat, REFRESH THE PAGE a couple of times to see if it is just that you had the old stylesheet. If that doesn't fix it, please let know what the problem is and what browser/platform you are on. I'll try to address it as quickly as I can.
If you want to compare the new layout to the old, the old is still available here.
I am seeing two "In The News" sections, one each on the left and right side of the page, with slightly different content. And no "Recent Blogs" section.
Firefox on XP. I cleared cache and did 3 shift-refresh.
PS Personally I liked the previous layout better.
half the column is temporarily missing: it'll be back!
"Do not adjust the settings on your TV - this station is experiencing temporary technical difficulties" ;)
(see other comments in thread)
When I click on a message in latest messages it always flashes the message I have click on and goes immediately to the top post in the thread. So if someone has posted a new message in the middle of one of the long threads I have to try and scroll through and look for the new post. Is this normal or the result of my settings?
I think it happens all the time. It's just a pain on the really long threads like, care and feeding...
If it's just to go to recent posts, then you can sort by time, most recent first. It usually finds it then, since it would be on the first page of that topic in that case.
I get two of everything past the messages and forum columns. I use IE6 on XP.
yes - our daughter was being a real pest this AM and when Floyd was trying to get a last touch up on the site she managed to distract him at *just that moment* and somehow he managed to blow away the entire front page!
He got the "Latest Forum Posts" and the "Latest Comments" to at least show up on the two columns at the top, but all the nice stuff like the seasonal favorites and such are still needing to be put back - but he had to drive in to work!
I am sure that when he gets in he'll spend a few minutes fixing it up so that it's back up to speed... Sorry about that!
update: looks like he's got the front page doubled-columns thing fixed now.
And now I'm going to go drink the coffee he forgot on the counter here as he rushed off to work :P
I also get bumped to the top of threads almost every time when I click on a new post, not just on long threads, which don't bother my computer at all. Do I need to change my settings to avoid this?
Also, the font color has changed and now there is very little distinction between a thread that I've read and one I haven't. Is that just me? I'm seeing brown or dark maroon and light maroon or brown. I use IE 7 if that matters.
I suppose purple is out of the question! (VBG)
PS...I can adapt to anything - I appreciate your taking time to work on this.
I'm beginning to understand the logic of your suggestion about a separate area for "advanced" or "other" topics where we could have discussions that either go too long, are too specific, very technical, or whatever else might make it not so great for the front page. Although I like your all inclusive approach, which may mean limiting some of the very technical or overly specific discussions to avoid turning people off or intimidating people, I also have seen there are some very capable, experienced, knowledgable bakers on this site, and being able to pick up on some of the more technical aspects has been a a big plus, at least I think so. The only thing I would ask, if possible, is for an easy way to get to that area from the front page, so people know it exists and can go check it out. For example, maybe there could be a link to the area at the bottom, or even a small frame similar to the others showing the traffic in that area - but way at the bottom somewhere.
I also realize you may not have time for this, so it's just another idea/suggestion based off your previous comments when we were trying to figure out what to do with long threads like the L_M/bwraith starter troubleshooting thread.
Sounds interesting to give it a try, especially if there is a little area below with a frame in it. If it's easy to move threads, something I haven't tried, then it seems like at any point, participants in a thread could suggest moving it to the "conference rooms" (might even be a good name for it).
If you have time and want to give it a try, let me know.
Hello Floyd,
I was wondering if only I am having trouble with this, or is it intended....
The new/visited link colors used to be orange/blue. Now I am seeing light brown/dark brown :( It is not easy to figure out the difference between the new and old links as the colors are so similar.
I refreshed my browser quite a few times. I am using IE6 on an XP Pro.
Thanks for everything