Quick question on transporting yeast and flour


hey there -- I'm taking the flour and biga naturale to my folks house tonight to make Leader's Genzano Country Bread tomorrow. Basically: I'm mixing up all the dry ingredients (save the salt) beforehand and wondering if it's alright to put the SAF Instant Yeast into a ziploc bag overnight or there's some reason to keep them separated until I mix the dough? Any insights are most welcome...

Happy holidays!


N.B. I'm tempted to make this one without spiking the dough but this time around I'm straying from Leader's formula by adding rye, WW, and pinches of semolina and buckwheat for a bit deeper flavor, so to be safe, I might as well stick with the yeast, I hope?


It's fine to premix the yeast with the other dry ingredients. Personally, I'd carry along some extra yeast in a small container in case I felt like "whipping up" some other yeast creation during the visit. ;o)

Thank you kindly, Janknitz! I thought would be the case but figured it's worth asking, just in case. And bringing more yeast is a good idea, particularly as I have this hunch that I'll want to make another loaf for Boxing Day!

Thanks again and Have a great holiday!