Hello! My name is Sarah and I am a 27 year old SAHM of three :-) I am about as novice baker as they come. I baked my first yeasted bread as piroshky ( russian filled buns ) off a friends recipe. Suddenly, i was hooked! Since then I've made challah, onion dill bread, potato bread, cheese bread... and today I am trying a bread with poolish!
Up until two weeks ago, I had never used yeast. I didn't own a loaf pan. Heck, I didn't even have FLOUR in my house!
It is nice to meet you all. TEACH ME!
Welcome to TFL, Sarah.
At the top of TFL's site you'll find links to "Lessons," "Handbook," and "Videos."
All great sources for learning.
Have fun, and happy baking!
This is the very best place to learn. It's nice to see another Canuck here. Happy baking. Al
welcome and well done im sure you will enjoy your stay here with TFL CROWD and lot of interesting breads to try
welcome and feel sure about one thing: you landed on the right planet! the bread planet where everyone is ready to give an hand to each other...Cheers from Quito. Paolo