KAF "Crunchy Crackers"


KAF printed this recipe in a recent catalog (click on "recipe" to get there).  I totally love them!  I bake them a couple times a week.  They are very very crunchy...sort of like thin biscotti.  They are SO easy, and healthy too.  I make them for my chip-loving husband as a much better choice for him.  So I've found that slicing them into long strips (with a pizza cutter after the dough is rolled) makes them easier to eat (roll out the dough on your counter (thin!), it's not sticky, slice into strips, use a dough scraper to lift the strips and move to a 1/2 sheet).  Also I've found (by accident!) that baking them on a sheet on a rack BELOW my stone yields wonderful results (the very next rack down from the stone).  In the last minute of baking they curl up toward the stone giving them a very charming shape (the longer thinner ones curl best).  The first time I made them I followed the recipe exactly, and they were good.  But you can quickly get creative with these.  I've made stevia/cinnamon/raisin crackers that are great.  The batch in this picture are very spicy, made with chile molido puro--the hot version (mexican chile powder).  The dough base is perfect for taking on any flavors you want to try...sweet or savory.  For maximum curl be sure the strips don't touch each other, and be careful removing from the oven, they can curl enough to tangle with the rack above (with the stone on it). 

Those look great and you've been very creative with the variations!

Are those fork marks for the holes?


Hi Marni, yes the dough is docked to keep it from puffing.  I dock it after the strips have been cut and placed on the sheet. 


just what I was looking for.  They look great next to that bottle of Stella. I am making them today with high hopes of tempting the chip fiends into trying a healthier snack.