Hello fellow bread lovers. I'm so glad I found your site. I'm Susan. I'm 52 now and have been married to my artist husband for 33 years. We live in Virginia. Last summer a friend gave me some Amish friendship starter and that got me interested in learning more about making sourdough breads. I adapted that starter to the recipe in Joy of Cooking with half the sugar and used it to bake with for awhile. My starter unfortunately went bad so I had to discard it. By then I was hooked. I wrote off for some Oregon Trail Starter from the friends of Carl and had that going for awhile. Soon after that I was finally successful in making my own wild yeast starter which I've been using ever since.
My latest project has been learning how to make baguettes. I found this recipe online: http://primesolid.com/chris/bread.html
My loaf looked a lot like the one in his picture and my husband who has had baguettes in France was pleased with how mne turned out. I found some more helpful advice on a King Arthur blog with many detailed pictures. I especially appreciated the pictures on how to shape the loaves which has always been a challange for me.
I recently found the discussions here about the Anis Bouabsa's baguettes and can't wait to try that recipe. It's great to see all the pictures and to read so many helpful tips. I don't have a digital camera, so unfortunately won't be able to participate in that aspect of this forum.
I look forward to learning a lot here.
Welcome to the Fresh Loaf Susan. I think you will find this to be a friendly place and eager to help in your sourdough pursuits. I look forward to hearing about your breads.
Thanks, Eric. Yes, I have noticed how friendly and helpful so many of the posters are here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better.
For some reason, some pictures on this site are not opening up all the way for me and I'm unable to see all the comments on a thread. On Janedo's blog it said there were over 100 comments but I could only see some of them and the last one I saw was chopped off. Has anyone else here had that problem? I'm using Mozilla and set the page to allow the popups, but that didn't seem to help.
I have no difficulty viewing hundreds of JaneDo's comments using Firefox. Not sure whether it might be your service provider who may limit content.
Hope you will be able to access, since JaneDo offers such great advice and insight.
I went to IE to see if I'd have the same problem there and I did. I saw the error triangle with an exclamation point in the corner which was not on the Mozilla page. When I clicked on more information, it said 'tinyMCE' is undefined. It is some kind of a Java script error. Then as I was coming back here to post that information, I noticed that there were "Comment viewing options" right under your post to me, so since the comments were cut off halfway through the 11th comment, I chose ten comments per page. I went back to Janedo's blog and am now able to view the rest of those comments and the page numbers for comments as well as being able to access the pages.
Thanks for relating your closure of the viewing problem. For all my experience with computer software, I still periodically get befuddled.
Again, thanks,