my first uploaded bread pictures


Greetings ya all !!

wonderful web site ,great forum .. all i needed was here ..  i got a lot of info from this forum so i can share my work .

i made  two loaves last night - the first one is sourdough with 20 % whole rye .. and the other is a simple ciabatta

both baked on a stone in a gas oven .. very simple yet very very powerful .. i preheated the oven to 300 Celsius

and let go down while baking to 280 .

the sourdough was baked covered for 15 minutes and 20 uncovered . the ciabatta - i  simply through it on the stone .for 25 minutes .


Nice looking loaves.  I'm a bit surprised, given the time/temperature data, that they did't burn. What was the internal temp. when you pulled them from the oven?

Your bread looks wonderful, but I, too, am somewhat amazed they didn't burn at those very high temps for the length of the bake.

Do you use an oven thermometer to confirm the temperature you set is the actual temp inside the oven?

thx it did taste amazingly good .

i will check with a thermometer to confirm the right temp' next time i bake - i also suspect the temp' are not as high as the oven sais they are ....