suggestions for Paris bakeries


So I'm off to Paris next week for a conference, but want to visit "artisan" bakeries while there.  So far I have found the following to visit, but would really appreciate suggestions, comments from others who have planned a 5 day trip around eating bread!!

Gosselin; Maison Kayser; Poilane; Fougasse Pain d'Epis; Du Pain et des Idees; Boulangerie Alsatienne; Moulin de la Vierge

I was trying to focus on those that are renowned for their baguettes, or fougasse, or obviously miche, etc.  any other MUST VISIT bakeries you can suggest? I'll be staying in the Latin Quarter (6th arondissement) but I figure I get to most places in central Paris by Metro.

Thanks in advance

julien in Paris for it's baguettes. though i've not been there i did read an interesting thread from 2004 between james mcguire et al regarding the insept and subsequent development of the baguette.

it was here that Julien was given high laurels by one contributor.

the thread is short, mcguire verbos and informative. a must read for baguette aficionados.

have a wonderful time.
