Thanksgiving is not going as planned; I'm stuck here with a sick and cranky wife. I made this bread to have something to do more than anything.
I used the Anadama formula from the BBA; with a Southern turn. I substituted stone ground grits and cane syrup.
The grits came from an acquaintance of mine that operates a mill. The next time I see him I plan to inquire as to what kind of wheat he has. Here is a good article about Mike and his mill.
Neat. I love this recipe and here in North Florida we have some pretty good quality local grits as well. I'll have to use them in the Anadama Loaf some time.
I hope the you ended up having a good Thanksgiving despite your wife's illness. I laughed when I read your post and read it out loud to my husband because, being about nine weeks pregnant, I was moaning and groaning to him all day yesterday about feeling nauseous and not wanting to cook!
It is quite good though I don't know that I will make it again unless for the novelty factor. It has a very moist and soft texture. The syrup gave it a strong after-taste that disapeared when it was completely cool. I don't really even like cane syrup but I was going for a theme. I believe it would be good with nuts and/or dried fruit. Pecan, fig, grits loaf? A new Southern Classic.
This was the first Thanksgiving since we have been married that we were completely alone. I marinated a pork tenderloin and cooked it on the grill, made a squash souffle and a salad from mixed greens that I grew myself, plus the delicious dinner rolls I had made. It was probably one of the tastiest Thanksgiving meals I have ever eaten.
She said she couldn't taste anything, between hacking and sneezing. : (
I'm glad she is better today. I can be sympathetic for about three days, tops.
Looks great! I'm with you on the cane syrup. I have no idea how people eat the stuff on pancakes. Your meal sounds like it was delicious. I made dinner rolls for our family gathering as well, although I couldn't face eating them. People tell me that they were good, though.
I also grow salad greens. In fact I just started a bunch more seeds today along with leeks and carrots. There's nothing like a home grown salad!
Mmmmm, count me in on this one! I grew up with cane syrup on Mama's hot buttermilk biscuits. Grits- I pride myself on having 'converted' many people from grits haters to grits lovers after tasting mine! REAL grits bear no resemblance to the watery tasteless things you get in a little dish in a restaurant, trying to look as if they just might be edible- nahhhhh. There is a reason they are served on the side- so they don't muck up the whole plate! I would love to try your grits bread recipe!
I get my cane syrup from a man that boils his own; it is the best I've ever had, great flavor, not too thick, with minimal after taste. It may be a taste you had to have grown up on, like my family sitting around the porch sucking on actual sugar cane.
Your bread looks great and I always love a Southern twist, great idea. :)