Challah-round 2 with photos



Hey, I'm new to the site and was very excited to find it. This was my first bread baking adventure thanks to my boyfriend's family's Kitchen Aid artisan mixer. It turned out really well and was delicious. It did not, however, match up to my memories of the challah I grew up eating from the Jewish bakery around the corner from my house. I need a recipe that includes more eggs to make the dough that rich yellow color that makes my mouth water. My loaf should not be discounted though because it made and excellent french toast. mmmm. If anyone has a recipe to share it would be greatly appreciated! 


Thanks :)




For a first time baker, that was an excellent try.  If your local library has Peter Reinhart's Bread Baker's Apprentice or George Greenstein's Secrets of a Jewish Baker, you'll find some nice Challah recipes!

Here is my Challah recipe that we enjoy.


6 to 6-1/2 C bread flour (1# 14 oz.)                                                          100%

3 T Granulated white sugar (1.5 oz.)                                                 .05%

1-1/2 t Salt or 2-1/2t Kosher salt (.35 oz.)                                                  1.2%

2 t Instant Yeast (.35 oz.)                                                                    1.2%

3 T Vegetable or Olive oil (3 oz.)                                                     10.0%

3 Large eggs (5 oz.)                                                                            16.7%

3 Large egg yolks (2 oz.)                                                                      6.7%

1-1/2C plus 2-1/2 T Warm water 110F (13 oz. )                                      43.3%


Flour, for dusting the work surface

Oil, for greasing the bowl

1 egg white with 1 teaspoon water whisked until frothy, for egg wash

Cornmeal, for dusting baking pan

Poppy or sesame seeds, for topping (optional)

1/4C Golden Raisins (optional)



In a large bowl stir together flour, sugar, salt and yeast.  In a separate bowl whisk together the oil, eggs, yolks and 3/4C water. Pour the egg mixture into the flour mixture and mix with a spoon or on low speed in your mixer with a dough hook until all ingredients gather and form a ball. Add remaining water if needed.


Knead dough on floured surface for about 10 minutes, or mix on medium-low speed for 6 minutes with the dough hook, sprinkling in more flour if needed to make a soft, supple, but not sticky dough.  Shape dough into a ball and roll around in a lightly oiled bowl. Cover with plastic and proof until double in size, about one hour.



Punch down the dough then cut in half for two loaves, or leave dough intact for 1 large turban shaped loaf. Divide each half into 3, 4 or 6 pieces for braiding. Roll out pieces into ropes and braid as desired. Transfer the bread to a cornmeal-dusted baking pan and allow to raise to 1-1/2 times its original size, about 45-60 minutes in a warm, draft-free area. Brush with egg wash and sesame or poppy seeds.


Preheat the oven to 350 F with the oven rack in the middle position. Bake until the bread has a rich mahogany color and the bottom has a hollow sound when tapped lightly with your fingertips or an internal temperature of 200F in the center(about 35 minutes).


Let cool on a wire rack for one hour before cutting. Cool to room temp (about 3 hours) before bagging.