I apologize in advance for asking, but I am at a loss here...
a couple of weeks ago my computer started showing the messages in this forum in some kind of extended format, so that I can never get a single line IN the screen, I have to keep moving the scroll bar at the bottom to read it all. Very tiring.
Does anybody know if "I" made something wrong in some setting?
(quite possible)
What browser/platform are you on?
I am using Firefox, the latest update I think happened this past weekend.
My computer is a DELL, running Windows XP
Hmm... Odd... I see that when someone uploads a huge image or there is a massive URL that won't wrap correctly, but isn't normally a problem. And I haven't done any design changes recently here that should change the way your browser renders the site. I'm not sure.
I probably did something wrong, since nothing changed in the site.
No big deal, I will try to figure it out, now that I know it has to be on my side of the equation...
thank you!
For me, it happened the day the three pictures were added at the top of the home page. I have a pretty large monitor, with a 22" screen, and I have to scroll about 2" to the right to see the whole page.
On the home page or on all pages?
The homepage... I can imagine. I can test tomorrow on an XP box and see if I can figure it out.
All pages? That'd just make my head hurt.
Oh dear, it is all pages. I am also using XP. It really doesn't bother me a lot. I can usually read most text without scrolling, but I can't see the pictures on the sidebar to the right unless I scroll. If I had a smaller montior screen, it would be quite annoying.
I... I'm going to have to stew on that a bit. I haven't changed the story template since March 2009 and the site stylesheet since November 25, 2008(!)... So... I believe you, I just am not sure how that can be. As I said, my head hurts.
I'll do some testing and see if I can figure it out. Thank you for letting me know.
I don't know if this applies, but the normal script is too small for my screen and so I enlarge it (apple + or apple -) it is something on my computer. When above TFL changes occured, I had to quickly reduce the size and then enlarge again so I was comfortable reading. Maybe it has more to do with the type size on our computers than it has to do with TFL. Esp. those of us who make the type larger to read. Just a thought.
Mini :ß)
I tried reducing the size of the font and it does not change the problem, even with a much smaller font that is a bit hard to read, I still have to scroll right and back left
Firefox makes a distinction between zooming text and zooming (resizing, really) the entire page. In the menu that lets you zoom in and out, make sure the 'zoom text only' item isn't checked.
If it isn't checked, you should be able to zoom in and out until the page fits on your screen. Of course, this won't fix the tiny fonts issue. Even if you re-enable text-only zoom, the page'll overflow as soon as you increase font size again. Still, I hope this helps!
Same story here, all of the pages are wider than my screen. I am using XP and Firefox. Seems that it has been that way for some time but I cannot remember exactly how long.
So you see Sally, there was nothing at all silly about your comment.
Well, that makes me feel a little better, as misery loves company!
You might try changing your screen resolution and then change back. I'd suggest trying to make a change to a lower res like 640x480. That should make the icons on your desktop large and then change back up to a higher resolution that matches your screen format.
There are some drivers floating around that are made to accommodate the letterbox TV format (wide screen). Depending on the video card and software you have installed and the setting your computer is on, you might be trying to view the wide format with a standard monitor.
On a PC, go to your desktop and right click on an open space, select Properties and then Settings. You should see a slider to adjust the resolution. Once you make a change you will be asked if it's OK, say yes and then do this again on a larger resolution setting that matches your monitor shape. I think that will fix it. A standard shape format would be 1164X864 but several will work.
If you have trouble let me know directly.
I did as you suggested and it made no difference in the appearance of the TFL site. I post this here rather than privately in the hope of helping all who might have this issue.
So today I've checked the site on Firefox 2 and 3.5 and Internet Explorer 7 on Windows XP and Firefox 3.5, Safari, Chrome, and Camino on Mac OS X (10.5). I made one change today that slightly narrows the three image boxes at the top of the homepage, but otherwise I haven't found anything else to change that I think will fix this issue.
At 1024x768 resolution with the browser maximized the main body of the pages (all of the white) should fit on screen, though the right rail will not. At 1280x800, everything should fit on screen.
Yes, zooming could blow out the right side. I tried both zooming and just text zooming though and I had to go quite a ways before it really caused major difficulties though.
I can't really think of anything else. Are your windows maximized or stretched to fill most of your screen?
If anyone with this issue wants to email me a screen snap (PC users: hit the Print Scrn button then open Paint or Word or whatever program you have handy and paste the image in and save) I'll take a look and see if I can divine any other clues from it.
Angel of all angels....
For me the problem is fixed = I changed the resolution of my screen, that did not help, but when I came back here after getting notification of your post by email, all seems perfect.
Hope this solves the problem for everyone..... now I am happy I brought the subject up :-)
I chimed in here mostly to let Sally know that the aliens had invaded more than just her computer not because the problem is annoying (it is but only slightly). I miss the entire right side beyond the white and on the home page I have to center the two columns or lose the right side of the right column. Centering the page has become habitual as I have been doing it for so long.
I can certainly live with the site the way it is. As a further piece of information, I do not have this problem with other sites.
click zoom and choose reset
also you can go view page select style basic
also character encoding select unicode utf-8
those are the standards.... hope one of those will help
Thanks for the tips. It was all already as you prescribed and toggling back and forth between the various settings ultimately made no change.