gluten development


If my bread has more of a homemade muffin texture than bread texture, does that mean I'm not developing the gluten enough? I'm using freshly ground grains and overnight refrigeration. It also passes the window pane test. I never see many, if any, holes. I'm at 65% hydration; if I go any more it doesn't hold it's shape. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

If your dough is passing the windowpane test, it must have good gluten development.  However, if you see no holes, it sounds like your yeast isn't working.  Is this a commercial yeast bread or sourdough?

I'm using commercial yeast. I have kept it in the freezer and frig but I am nearing the end so perhaps I'll open a new package and see. 

When I made my bread this time after grinding the grains finer, I could've used more water from the feel and look of the dough after refrigeration. 

Thanks, I'll try that.